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Competitor Analysis

AI-powered insights helping B2B SaaS companies win more deals 🏆
Fragments Competitive Intelligence Platform Screenshot.

Reimagine your work with competitive intelligence

Eliminate manual efforts and gain the essential insights to refine your market positioning and win more deals

High-level competitor profiles

Each competitor has a single, customizable profile, providing a high-level company view. Designed for executives and key positions, profiles offer invaluable insights to optimize your strategies.

Competitor profile

Manage AI battlecards

Battlecards are data-driven guides designed to meet the unique needs of each department. It provides tailored insights for product, sales, marketing, and other departments. Level up your approach and outshine the competition.

Competitor battlecards

Engage everyone

Competitive Intelligence is a team sport.
Everyone can share their unique insights. Foster a culture of collaboration, and tap into a wealth of expertise that enriches your competitive strategy and keeps you ahead of the game.

Multiplayer collaboration competitive intelligence

Rich data library

Access a comprehensive array of public and private data sources alongside AI-generated cards, empowering nuanced insights tailored for diverse departmental needs. Customize these resources to precisely fit your requirements, enhancing decision-making capabilities.

Competitive intelligence data library sources

All tasks, one solution🛠️

Trend analysis
SWOT analysis
Market trends
Product comparison
Feature analysis
Product positioning
Market segmentation
Battlecard generator
Actionable reports
Knowledge hub
Customer feedback
Interactive insights
Market share analysis
Pricing strategy evaluation
Win/Loss analysis
Competitive playbooks
Review analysis
Company impact

Company-wide enhancement🚀

Engaging different departments with Competitive Intelligence creates a unified, data-driven approach, leveraging diverse insights to align strategies with broader company goals

Before 🤯

Struggle to effectively engage with prospective clients, as they lack real-time insights into competitors' strengths and weaknesses.

After 🚀

Are equipped with battlecards, providing quick access to competitor information during sales calls, leading to improved win rates.

Performance metrics

Empower your team to become company heroes with Fragments🚀

90% of Fortune 500 Companies already use Competitive Intelligence

  • 4x

    Revenue 💰

    Evalueserve found that using competitive intelligence can bring 4x more revenue by enabling teams to create more compelling positioning in the market and handle competitive objections

  • 4x

    Faster ⏱️

    Evalueserve found that teams using centralized competitive intelligence platform can locate information 4x faster than without a centralized platform

  • +15%

    Win Rates 📈

    Frost & Sullivan reports that companies that use competitive intelligence have a 10-15% higher win rate than those that don't

  • +30%

    Sales Productivity 🤝

    According to a study by Forrester Research, sales teams that leverage battlecards or competitive intelligence are 30% more productive than those that don't

  • +15%

    Customer Satisfaction 🤗

    According to research by Paddle, companies with competitive intelligence programs have 15.4% higher customer satisfaction than companies without

  • -24%

    CAC 💵

    According to research by Paddle, companies with competitive intelligence programs have 23.7% lower customer acquisition cost than companies without

  • +19%

    LTV 💸

    According to research by Paddle, companies with competitive intelligence programs have 18.9% higher customer lifetime value than companies without

  • +38%

    Revenue 💰

    MarketingSherpa and SiriusDecisions found that competitive intelligence can lead to up to a 38% increase in revenue growth and up to a 35% increase in ROI

  • 4x

    Revenue 💰

    Evalueserve found that using competitive intelligence can bring 4x more revenue by enabling teams to create more compelling positioning in the market and handle competitive objections

  • 4x

    Faster ⏱️

    Evalueserve found that teams using centralized competitive intelligence platform can locate information 4x faster than without a centralized platform

  • +15%

    Win Rates 📈

    Frost & Sullivan reports that companies that use competitive intelligence have a 10-15% higher win rate than those that don't

  • +30%

    Sales Productivity 🤝

    According to a study by Forrester Research, sales teams that leverage battlecards or competitive intelligence are 30% more productive than those that don't

  • +15%

    Customer Satisfaction 🤗

    According to research by Paddle, companies with competitive intelligence programs have 15.4% higher customer satisfaction than companies without

  • -24%

    CAC 💵

    According to research by Paddle, companies with competitive intelligence programs have 23.7% lower customer acquisition cost than companies without

  • +19%

    LTV 💸

    According to research by Paddle, companies with competitive intelligence programs have 18.9% higher customer lifetime value than companies without

  • +38%

    Revenue 💰

    MarketingSherpa and SiriusDecisions found that competitive intelligence can lead to up to a 38% increase in revenue growth and up to a 35% increase in ROI

Competitive Intelligence FAQs

No more outdated and static competitor analysis

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